Saturday 29 May 2010

Do long distance relationships really work.......???????

Four weeks ago I've had the pleasure to meet a special someone.
After 2 hours of intense flirting and chatting I realised that maybe this is it (yeah I know, 2 hours is not a lot but when it happens it happens)
Then the bomb dropped and I just wished I had never met this person at all instead of learning that as from the next day Internet communication would be our only communication, as a few thousand miles were gonna be between us.
Sicily and London are not the furthest places in the world but at the same time dinner or lunch brakes are just not an option, unless that bloody star trek finally start selling that bloody machine that transports you from one place to another in seconds (sci-fi is not one of my strongest points as you can tell by my knowledge of terminology or lack of it)
Now four weeks down the line, after endless hours of webcam chatting (and by chatting I do mean chatting and nothing else) I can feel the passion slowly fading away.  We are both old enough to be realistic and we have started talking about maybe calling it a day.  At the same time we are both old enough to know that when you find the one you have to do your utmost to never let them go.
Where is this gonna go and is it the end of something "small" or the beginning of something "big"..??
Update to follow................

Friday 28 May 2010

What does one do on a rainy day......???????

Shopping of course........
And if the rain could ruin your hair, online shopping is the answer.
I just love being in the comfort of my own house, with a cup of coffee and a fag browsing online for all my favourite bits and bobs.  Just look, click and if you are lucky enough the delivery guy might be the man of your dreams (that's why I always wear high heels, sexy dress and full make up when answering the door)
What did I buy this time..??
A lovely gorgeous necklace/pendant from D&G.
I did have the option of paying loads and getting it from their store but I opted for Amazon and got an amazing bargain.
My gorgeous neck will now be complimented by my new gorgeous necklace.......
Loving it......

The land of Gods (and Goddesses)

I am sat on my bed looking outside the window and all I can think about is warm places and holidays.
London is a fab place to live and I'm so happy I moved here BUT when it's the end of May you would expect some nice weather.  According to the weather forecast it might rain in a bit.  First thing that pops into mind is Greece.  Ah beautiful, magical, mythical, gorgeous Greece.
The land of gorgeous places and people (my username should give you a clue as to why I am so gorgeous).
The land of good food, amazing beaches and loads of fun times to be had.
Take me there and take me NOW.
Just like a gorgeous exotic flower I need loads of sun which I am not getting right mow.
Ah Greece........!!!!!!!!

Thursday 27 May 2010

Anyone for dessert..??

I hate having to look after my diet.
Just had some broccoli and cauliflower (boiled) and a few slices of "fake" chicken (quorn is the word).
It actually tastes really nice and it's very healthy.
I feel great having all this healthy and diety food but now I want my dessert......!!!!!!!
What is it gonna be..??
Cheesecake, ice-cream, chocolate fudge cake or profiterolls..??
Apples and grapes......!!!!!!!!
Why can I not eat everything and never have to worry..??

Oh my God...... The sun is in a jar

Hey everyone
I've just bought this amazing gadget from Amazon and it is basically a jar with a solar panel inbuilt.
You leave it out or by the window and it "sucks" the sun.
When the sun goes down the jar lights up and it looks amazing.
Even though I bought it for a dear friend I think I'll keep it for myself and buy another one.
Loving it.......

Belle De Grec is finally doing London........

I know I should have started earlier, as I moved to London almost 3 months ago but boy am I having a busy time.
Party, party, party, and a bit more partying.
Never too late though my blog is up and running and from now on I can tell you all about me and my partying.